My Husband's Serving Overseas

For 16 years he played Army one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Then on 9/11 he came home, silently went upstairs and dragged his gear down from the 3rd floor, expecting the call that evening, I guess. That's when it hit me, "Oh, now I get it..."


E-Mail Me

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

(7/5/2002) Debbie: Better brush up on your Farsi; you're gonna need it when this nice little Afghan family of 10 joins us in our humble abode; widow + 9 children from Mazar-e-Sharif (bet you never knew our van could hold 10 LOL)
Chris: How many Afghans fit in a Toyota? One more hahahahahahaha Is there 1200 bucks in the checking account? I may pick up a bride here, you can have up to 3 wives.
Debbie: If so, you're paying a lot LMAO I think I was much cheaper than that . Next time you are at market, ask for some "no-no" and see what you get (basil)
Debbie: You forgot fish ;-)

posted by Debbie at 12:37 PM

(6/20/2002) You wanna hear the poop? We have been waiting since last Monday to get some word as to whether we are demobilizing in December, etc. Anyhow after all the weeks and weeks of no news we get this tidbit: Sept. 15 is the nlt (not later than) date for the higher ups to tell us whether or not we are going to go into our second year of deployment. So nothing will be known until that time. The good news is that we get 30 days of leave per year and I have not taken a day yet. I do plan to use all 30 days. I do not think that we will have much choice but it does look like I will be home for Christmas and/or New Year. I told you I would give you the poop but sometimes it stinks. Do not read anything into this; it is just what was put out. The jets are flying over again; it is so loud that if you are outside you stick your fingers in your ears.

posted by Debbie at 12:13 PM

(6/9/2002) Things here are a little hectic. Except for the chemical residue, radiation, dead frogs and the heat this would be a good side trip from hell. Do not know yet but it might be safer to be in a place where we can watch the rockets red glare. Going to get my blood drawn today; glad we had our passle of kids. This place is like an ant hill that has been stepped on scurry scurry. At least they are being proactive instead of in denial. There has been nothing put out yet but it seems that there is some heavy hitters looking at this and I do not know what is going to happen but will be ready to move quickly. Knew about the radiation for about three months; chem weapons I knew about since Friday. I have the funny feeling that things will get real hectic here. Best thing is to try not to breath a lot. Will start my day with health screenings etc. You are the best, thanks for the box and all the stuff you got and all the things you do. Being the best mom and everything. Will try to get on-line tomorrow morning and tell you anything that transpires.

posted by Debbie at 12:03 PM


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