My Husband's Serving Overseas

For 16 years he played Army one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Then on 9/11 he came home, silently went upstairs and dragged his gear down from the 3rd floor, expecting the call that evening, I guess. That's when it hit me, "Oh, now I get it..."


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Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Well, here we are on the brink of war. It's a weird position I find myself in as most of my friends are raging peaceniks and I'm married to a soldier and survived (just barely) a year of mobilization. Chris says the Iraqi people want to be liberated, but at what cost? How many civilians get taken out before Saddam?

On the bright side, he received his retirement papers the other day...

posted by Debbie at 3:02 AM


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