My Husband's Serving Overseas

For 16 years he played Army one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Then on 9/11 he came home, silently went upstairs and dragged his gear down from the 3rd floor, expecting the call that evening, I guess. That's when it hit me, "Oh, now I get it..."


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Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Yesterday, May 19th, was the first anniversary of Gene Vance's assassination; see: I called Chris, who's in the field for Divemaster Recertification Training and told them that they needed to do a little service/ceremony/whatever to commemorate Gene. I sent an e-card to Lisa and it brought back the pain all over again - the many parallels between Gene and Chris's life, the fact that they hadn't gone on their honeymoon yet and we deferred ours 20 years ago, etc. I hope that the city officials in Morgantown get it together soon as we were hoping to have the Patriot's Ride in Gene's memory around Memorial Day and now it looks like it will be Labor Day...

posted by Debbie at 11:49 AM


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